孔慶昌 博士 (原子物理與光學組)
- "Rovibrational-state selected photoionization of acetylene by the two-color IR + VUV scheme: observation of rotationally resolved Rydberg transitions," X.-M. Qian, A.H. Kung, Tao Zhang, K.C. Lau, and C.Y. Ng, Phys. Rev. Lett. 23, 233001 (2003). (first state-resolved laser-synchrotron spectroscopy)
- "Vibrational molecular modulation in hydrogen," Shu Wei Huang, Wei-Jan Chen, and A.H. Kung, Phys. Rev. A 74, 063825 (2006).(widest frequency comb spectrum of over 4 octaves generated)
- "Monolithic red-green-blue laser light source based on cascaded wavelength conversion in periodically-poled stoichiometric lithium tantalate," Zhida Gao, Shih-Yu Tu, Shining Zhu, and A.H. Kung, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 181101 (2006). (RGB laser made the cover of 30 Oct. 2006 issue of APL)
- "Optical interference in nonlinear photonic crystals," Chien-Jen Lai, L.-H. Peng, and A.H. Kung, Opt. Lett. 32, 3200-3202 (2007). (authoritative analysis of optical waves in a nonlinear photonic crystal).
- "Sub-Single-Cycle Optical Pulse Train with Constant Carrier-Envelope Phase," Wei-Jan Chen, Jhi-Ming Hsieh, Shu Wei Huang, Hao-Yu Su, Chien-Jen Lai, Tsung-Ta Tang, Chuan-Hsien Lin, Chao-Kuei Lee, Ru-Pin Pan, Ci-Ling Pan, and A.H. Kung, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 163906 (2008). (less than one cycle wide optical pulses with a constant carrier-envelope phase)
- “Substantial gain enhancement for optical parametric amplification and oscillation in twodimensional χ(2) nonlinear photonic crystals” Hsi-Chun Liu, and A. H. Kung, , Opt. Express 16, 9714-9725 (2008).
- “Autoionizing Rydberg Series (np’, nf’) of Ar Investigated by Stepwise Excitations with Lasers and Synchrotron Radiation” Yin-Yu Lee, Tzan-Yi Dung, Re-Ming Hsieh, Jih-Young Yu, Yen-Fang Song, Grace H. Ho, Tzu-Ping Huang, Wan-Chun Pan, I-Chia Chen, Shih-Yu Tu, A. H. Kung, and L. C. Lee,”, Phys. Rev. A 78, 022509 (2008).
- “Broadly Tunable UV Light Generation in a Compact PPMgSLT OPO with a High-Q Cavity” Shih-Yu Tu, A. H. Kung, Sunao Kurimura, and Takeshi Ikegami, Appl. Opt. 47, 5762-5766 (2008).
- “Phase-change memory devices based on gallium-doped indium oxide,” S.-L. Wang, C.-Y. Chen, M.-K. Hsieh, W.-C. Lee, A. H. Kung, and L.-H. Peng, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 113503 (2009)
- “Controlling the Carrier-Envelope Phase of Raman-Generated Periodic Waveforms,” Zhi-Ming Hsieh, Chien-Jen Lai, Han-Sung Chan, Sih-Ying Wu, Chao-Kuei Lee, Wei-Jan Chen, Ci-Ling Pan, Fu-Goul Yee, and A. H. Kung, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 213902 (2009)
- “Synthesis and Measurement of Ultrafast Waveforms from Five Discrete Optical Harmonics,” Han-Sung Chan, Zhi-Ming Hsieh, Wei-Hong Liang, A. H. Kung, Chao-Kuei Lee, Chien-Jen Lai, Ru-Pin Pan, and Lung-Han Peng, Science 331, 1165 (2011).
- “Compact optical function generator,” Han-Sung Chan, Zhi-Ming Hsieh, Lung-Han Peng, and Kung, A. H., Optics Letters, 37 2805-2807 (2012)
- “Speckle noise reduction on a laser projection display via a broadband green light source,”Nan Ei Yu, Ju Won Choi, Heejong Kang, Do-Kyeong Ko, Shih-Hao Fu, Jiun-Wei Liou, Andy H. Kung, Hee Joo Choi, Byoung Joo Kim, Myoungsik Cha, and Lung-Han Peng, Opt. Express 22, 3547-3556 (2014).
- “Generation of octave-spanning supercontinuum by Raman-assisted four-wave mixing in single-crystal diamond,” Chih-Hsuan Lu, Li-Fan Yang, Miaochan Zhi, Alexei V. Sokolov, Shang-Da Yang, Chia-Chen Hsu, and A.H. Kung, Opt. Express 22, 4075-4082 (2014).
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