孔慶昌 博士 (原子物理與光學組)
We demonstrate the use of a nonlinear photonic crystal to generate a harmonic comb and an ultrabroad-band acousto-optic modulator for the field amplitudes and phases of the comb to succeed in synthesizing femtosecond and subfemtosecond optical field waveforms. Nonsinusoidal fields of various shapes are synthesized and verified using shaper-assisted linear cross-correlation. The compact all-solid-state system could lead to the realization of a portable arbitrary optical waveform synthesizer that is analogous in many aspects to an RF function generator.
目前位置:本所人員 / 研究人員/ 孔慶昌
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最後更新於 2025-02-08 11:52:15
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最後更新於 2025-02-08 11:52:15