
歷史演講 (第6頁)

歷史演講 (第6頁)
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日期 時間 地點 講者 講題
2019-02-27 下午 02:30 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Prof. Kang-Kuen Ni
Harvard University, USA
Ultracold Moleculesfor Chemistry and Physics
2019-02-26 上午 10:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 Dr. Jeongwon Lee
Department of Physics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Quantum Simulation using Ultracold Atoms: From Spin-orbit Coupling to Supersolidity
2019-02-19 上午 10:30 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Prof. Yoshiro Takahashi
Kyoto University, Japan
Quantum simulation using two-electron atoms in an optical lattice
2019-02-15 上午 01:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 王丞浩教授
Highly efficient composite electrode for vanadium redox flow battery
2019-01-31 上午 11:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Mr. Chih-Hsi Lee
Columbia University, USA
Ultracold Molecular Clock in a State-Insensitive Optical Lattice
2019-01-28 下午 01:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 Prof. William E. Moerner
Departments of Chemistry and Applied Physics, Stanford University, USA
The Story of Photonics and Single Molecules, from Early FM Spectroscopy in Solids, to Super-Resolution Nanoscopy in Cells and Beyond
2019-01-24 上午 11:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 Prof. Meng Cui
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Biology, Purdue University, USA
Multiscale functional and structural brain imaging
2019-01-24 上午 10:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 Prof. Peng Xi
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Peking University, China
Super-resolution: better, deeper, and richer information
2019-01-14 下午 03:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 林育如博士
Light-induced azimuthal gauge potentials and spin-orbital-angular-momentum coupling in Bose-Einstein condensates
2019-01-08 上午 11:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 徐品家博士
Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University, Denmark
Focusing the computational microscope on the biological membrane: development and simulation studies
2019-01-03 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 魏金明博士
Expedite random structure searching using objects from Wyckoff positions
2018-12-27 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 陳浩銘副教授
In-situ realize the photo/electrochemical behaviors of metal center in liquid environment
2018-12-26 上午 10:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 Dr. Cheng-Tien Chiang
Institute of Physics, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
Advanced photoelectron spectroscopy at surfaces with ultrafast lasers
2018-12-20 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 仲冬平教授
Department of Physics, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Programs of Biophysics, Chemical Physics and Biochemistry, The Ohio State University, USA
Dynamicsand Mechanisms of DNA Repair by Photolyases
2018-12-13 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 梁永成副教授
Multipartite entanglement structure: from theory to experiment
2018-12-03 下午 03:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Prof. Veronica Vaida
Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Sunlight driven chemistry at water-air interfaces
2018-12-03 下午 01:30 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Prof. Jochen Küpper
1. Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg, Germany 2. Department of Physics, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Controlled (bio)molecules for advanced imaging
2018-12-03 上午 10:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 Dr. Ka Un Lao
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell University, USA
Non-Covalent Interactions from the Molecular to the Nanoscale
2018-11-29 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 李遠哲院士
Achievements and Challenges of Atmospheric Scientists
2018-11-28 上午 11:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 賴昱宏先生
California Institute of Technology, USA
Brillouin Laser Gyroscopes
2018-11-22 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 謝文斌副研究員
Ultrafast thermal transport under extreme conditions: from 2D thermoelectrics to Earth materials
2018-11-15 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 楊立威教授
How ribosome "rolls" to promote programmed frameshifting
2018-11-15 上午 10:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 Patrick S. Doyle
Singapore-MIT Alliance for Science and Technology (SMART) & Department of Chemical Engineering, MIT, USA
Microfluidic Technologies to Manufacture Soft Matter Materials
2018-11-09 下午 03:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Prof. T.-C. Chiang
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Playing with Topological Insulators: Superconductivity and Strain Effects
2018-11-08 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 王家麟教授
Monitoring of organic pollutants and air quality
2018-11-05 上午 10:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 Dr. Han Woong Yeom
Director, Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems, Institute for Basic Science, Pohang, Korea
Emerging Topology of Atomic Wires toward Topological Informatics
2018-10-29 下午 02:30 張昭鼎紀念講堂 管培辰助理教授
New approaches for atom-light-based precision measurement and metrology
2018-10-25 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 廖仲麒博士
Superresolution microscopy and microscopy-enabled proteomics for biological applications
2018-10-18 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 朱志教授
Enabling Microfluidics Technology for Biosensing and Biomedical Applications
2018-10-18 下午 02:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 Prof Dale W. Laird
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Connexin gap junction proteins in health and disease
2018-10-11 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 張書瑋助理教授
In silico investigation of molecular mechanisms of biomolecules
2018-10-10 上午 10:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Prof Vinayak P. Dravid
Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Northwestern University, USA
Emerging Opportunities in Chalcogenide Thermoelectrics
2018-10-08 上午 11:00 101討論室 Prof. Hemant Kumar Kashyap
Department of Chemistry, IIT Delhi, India
Multiple Length Scales in Ionic Liquids: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
2018-10-04 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 鄭耿鋒教授
Tuning the Interface of Electrocatalysts
2018-09-27 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 林俊宏研究員
Molecular exchange between Helicobacter pylori and gastric epithelium: A chemist's view
2018-09-26 上午 10:30 張昭鼎紀念講堂 余慈顏博士
In-situ NMR Spectroscopy
2018-09-20 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 倪其焜博士
A new mass spectrometry approach for structural identification of carbohydrates
2018-08-14 上午 11:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 Prof. Jun Ye
JILA, National Institute of Standards and Technology and University of Colorado, USA
Cold molecules – a new playground for quantum and chemical physics
2018-07-02 下午 03:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Prof. Peter Gill
Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University, Australia
Simple Computational Approaches to Electronic Excited States
2018-06-29 下午 12:20 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Prof. Uri Raviv
The Institute of Chemistry, The Hebrew University, Israel
Dynamic Self-Assembly of Biomolecules
2018-06-21 下午 02:30 張昭鼎紀念講堂 金政教授
Quantum time machine
2018-06-20 上午 10:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Dr. Prathik Roy
Scientific Advisor & Manager - Nanoscience & Technology, SpringerNature, New York
Accelerate Your Research Using Nature Research Group's Artificial Intelligence Powered Nanotechnology Platform
2018-06-15 上午 11:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Prof. Chih-Chun Chien
University of California, Merced, USA
Hysteresis and topological states of ultracold atoms in ring-shape potentials
2018-06-14 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 沈湯龍教授
Oncogenic regulation of tumor-derived exosomes
2018-06-14 上午 10:30 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Prof. Kai-Ming Ho
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, USA
Motif-Network Search for efficient exploration of Crystal Structures in complex Silicate and Phosphate Systems
2018-06-07 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 林玉俊助理教授
Spatiotemporally manipulating cellular activities by chemicals, light, and ultrasound
2018-05-31 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 Prof. Teruki Sugiyama
Optical trapping toward crystal chemistry
2018-05-28 上午 10:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 Dr. Po-Hsun Ho
Nanoscale Science and Technology Group at IBM Thomas. J. Watson Research Center, USA
Low-Dimensional Materials Electronics and Photonics
2018-05-24 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 廖奕翰教授
Therapeutic insight from zebrafish models of cardiovascular disease
2018-05-17 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 劉堅教授
Graphite dots: a high-efficiency and low-noise matrix for small molecular analysis and imaging with MALDI MS
目前位置:歷史演講 / 第 6 頁