
歷史演講 (第2頁)

歷史演講 (第2頁)
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日期 時間 地點 講者 講題
2024-08-08 下午 02:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 Prof. Richard Loomis
Washington University in Saint Louis, USA
Experimental Probing of Broad Regions of a Chemical Reaction Coordinate: the Story of Haloethanes and Charge Transfer
2024-08-06 上午 10:30 504討論室 Dr. Muhammad Sirajul Hasan
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Okinawa, Japan
Dynamics of Complex Quantum Systems - Engineering and Control in Cold Atomic Systems
2024-07-03 上午 10:30 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Prof. Lars Hultman
Thin Film Physics Division, Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (IFM), Linköping University, Sweden
Discovery of Goldene Comprising Single-atom Layer Gold
2024-06-13 下午 02:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 Prof. Giulia Galli
University of Chicago & Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Quantum simulations for quantum technologies
2024-06-06 上午 11:00 209討論室 黃偉倫博士
Investigate Biological Questions using Multidisciplinary Approaches
2024-06-03 上午 10:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 Prof. Walter de Heer
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
The epigraphene nanoelectronics platform: Ultrahigh mobility semiconducting epigraphene and the edge state
2024-05-21 上午 10:30 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Padchanee Sangthong
Division of Biochemistry and Bioinnovation, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Structural Modification of Bioactive Compounds from Thai medicinal plants on Anti- Cancer Applications and Their Biological Pathways via in vitro Model
2024-05-20 下午 03:00 311討論室 Dr. Liang-Chun Lin
National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST), CO, USA
Optical and Spin Properties of Singlet Fission Dimers
2024-05-09 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 陳則銘特聘教授
New Opportunities in Straintronics with 2D Materials
2024-05-02 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 江明錫研究員
Fe-S Janus complexes: biomimic catalysts and molecular agents toward energy conversion and biomedical applications
2024-04-26 上午 10:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 Prof. Jean-François ROCH
ENS Paris-Saclay & Institut Universitaire de France
Diamond-Based Quantum Sensing for High-Pressure Superconductivity
2024-04-25 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 莊天明副研究員
Direct Visualization of Disorder-driven Electronic Liquid Crystal Phases in Correlated Dirac Nodal Line Semimetals
2024-04-18 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 朱麗安助理教授
Microscopy for big and small
2024-04-11 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 陳馨怡副教授
Revolutionizing materials design and development by computational simulations
2024-04-11 下午 02:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 Prof. Kuo-Wei Huang
(1) King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia;(2) Agency for Science, Technology, and Research, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering and Institute of Sustainability for Chemicals, Energy and Environment, Singapore
Fueling the Future
2024-04-10 上午 10:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 杜育銘博士
Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
High-performance 2D Polymeric Separation Materials from Bioinspired Channels
2024-03-28 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 李彥君助理教授
Functional peptides in different dimensions
2024-03-21 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 萬德輝教授
Design of Optical Materials for Nanomedicine and Energy-saving Technology
2024-03-14 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 郭宗枋特聘教授
Magnetic field effects of the triplet-triplet exciton annihilation process to fluorescence in polymer light emitting-diodes
2024-03-07 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 張君輔助理教授
Ultrafast Dynamics in Complex Molecular Systems
2024-02-29 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 侯正一博士
Division of Science, New York University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
From nondynamic to dynamic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
2024-02-27 上午 10:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 杜育銘博士
Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
2D Bioinspired Soft Polymeric Materials from 1D Channels for Fluid Transport and Precise Molecular Separations
2024-02-16 上午 10:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 藍劭宇副教授
Quantum sensing with ultra-cold atoms
2024-01-30 上午 11:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 黃信元博士
Local minima in quantum systems
2024-01-26 上午 10:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 Dr. Shayne Bennetts
Strontium BEC Group, Institute of Physics, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Optical lasers, continuous atom lasers and superradiant lasers – a journey from power to precision
2024-01-23 上午 10:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 李侑昇博士
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, Germany
Thermodynamic Studies of Sr2RuO4 under Uniaxial Pressure
2024-01-22 上午 10:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 Prof. Tomáš Jungwirth
Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic & School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Altermagnetism: The third magnetic class
2024-01-15 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 Prof. Wolf Widdra
Institute of Physics, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
Oxide quasicrystals: Surface structures with dodecagonal symmetry
2024-01-15 上午 10:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 Dr. J.L. Thomaston
University of California San Francisco, USA
X-ray crystal structures of the influenza A M2 proton channel
2024-01-11 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 劉國平院士
National Sun Yat-sen University Honorary Chair Professor & IAMS, Academia Sinica
Roaming in the Landscape of Chemical Dynamics
2024-01-05 下午 01:50 浦大邦紀念講堂 Dr. Patricia J Lee
Chief Scientist – Hardware Technology Development, Quantinuum, USA
Quantinuum H-Series Trapped Ion Quantum Computers and Technology Roadmap
2023-12-28 上午 11:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 吳柏翰博士
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Continuous-variable photonic quantum information processing
2023-12-26 上午 11:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 倪康坤教授
Harvard University, USA
Harnessing Chemical Reactions for Quantum Science?
2023-12-19 下午 04:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Dr. Hung-Tzu Chang
Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Germany
Probing ultrafast dynamics in solids with extreme ultraviolet radiation
2023-12-18 下午 03:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 楊培東講座教授
Department of Chemistry, UC Berkeley, USA
Semiconductor Nanowires: from Nanolasers to Photochemical Diodes
2023-12-14 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 劉昌樺副教授
Novel optoelectronics based on van der Waals heterostructures
2023-12-06 下午 12:20 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Dr. Christa Fittschen
Université Lille, CNRS, Physicochimie des Processus de Combustion et de l'Atmosphère (PC2A), France
Reactivity of Peroxy Radicals studied by Laser Photolysis - cw-Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy
2023-11-30 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 賴思學助理教授
New Horizons in Single-Particle Mass Analysis
2023-11-28 下午 02:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Dr. Xavier Mercier
Université Lille, CNRS, Physicochimie des Processus de Combustion et de l'Atmosphère (PC2A), France
Unraveling Soot Particle Formation: Insights into the Nucleation Mechanisms
2023-11-23 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 陳世淯助研究員
Single Cell Systems-Structured View of Immune Responses
2023-11-17 上午 10:30 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Prof. Gediminas Juzeliūnas
Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, Vilnius University, Lithuania
Sub-wavelength lattices for ultracold atoms
2023-11-16 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 吳恆良副研究員
Vibrational Spectroscopy at Electrified Interfaces: from Electrocatalysts to Battery Materials
2023-11-13 下午 03:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 高橋開人博士
Imprint of electronic structure to reactivity
2023-11-09 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 莊豐權主任
Engineering Topological Phases of 2D Layered Materials
2023-11-02 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 田弘康助理教授
Bridging the Quantum to Continuum Gap: Multi-scale Simulations for Batteries, Catalysts, and Metal-Organic Frameworks Materials
2023-10-26 下午 02:30 台大化學系松柏講堂 周必泰教授
我如何進入化學科學的前沿研究 : 我的經驗與觀點
2023-10-19 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 林耿慧副研究員
Bridging in vitro. and in vivo. through mechanobiology
2023-10-13 上午 10:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Prof. Feng Liu
Distinguished and Ivan B. Cutler Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Utah, USA
Ferroelectric topological superconductor
2023-10-12 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 陳壁彰副研究員
Optical microscopy meets electron microscopy in 3D
2023-10-05 下午 03:30 台大化學系松柏講堂 Dr. Michael Rosen
Department of Biophysics, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA
Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation of Biological Systems
目前位置:歷史演講 / 第 2 頁