王偉華 博士 (尖端材料與表面科學組)

Chih-Yi Cheng, Wei-Liang Pai, Yi-Hsun Chen, Naomi Tabudlong Paylaga, Pin-Yun Wu, Chun-Wei Chen, Chi-Te Liang, Fang-Cheng Chou, Raman Sankar, Michael S. Fuhrer, Shao-Yu Chen*, and Wei-Hua Wang*
Nano Lett., 22, 6, 2270–2276 (2022).
Understanding the Coulomb interactions between two-dimensional (2D) materials and adjacent ions/impurities is essential to realizing 2D material-based hybrid devices. Electrostatic gating via ionic liquids (ILs) has been employed to study the properties of 2D materials. However, the intrinsic interactions between 2D materials and ILs are rarely addressed. This work studies the intersystem Coulomb interactions in IL-functionalized InSe field-effect transistors by displacement current measurements. We uncover a strong self-gating effect that yields a 50-fold enhancement in interfacial capacitance, reaching 550 nF/cm2 in the maximum. Moreover, we reveal the IL-phase-dependent transport characteristics, including the channel current, carrier mobility, and density, substantiating the self-gating at the InSe/IL interface. The dominance of self-gating in the rubber phase is attributed to the correlation between the intra- and intersystem Coulomb interactions, further confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. This study provides insights into the capacitive coupling at the InSe/IL interface, paving the way to developing liquid/2D material hybrid devices.
目前位置:本所人員 / 研究人員/ 王偉華
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最後更新於 2025-02-14 15:25:36
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電話:886-2-2362-0212 傳真:886-2-2362-0200 電子郵件:iamspublic@gate.sinica.edu.tw
最後更新於 2025-02-14 15:25:36