Dr. Jyhpyng Wang (Atomic Physics and Optical Science)
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Selected Publications
- Energy diffusion due to nonlinear perturbation on linear Hamiltonians, Gin-yih Tsaur and Jyhpyng Wang, Physical Review E 54, 4657 (1996).
- Population Diffusion and Equipartition in Quantum Systems of Many Degrees of Freedom, Gin-yih Tsaur and Jyhpyng Wang, Physical Review Letters 80, 3682(1998).
- Integration of the Schroedinger equation by canonical transformations, Gin-yih Tsaur and Jyhpyng Wang, Physical Review A 65, 012104 (2001).
- Tomography of the injection and acceleration processes that produce a monoenergetic electron beam in a laser wakefield accelerator, C.-T. Hsieh, C.-M. Huang, C.-L. Chang, Y.-C. Ho, Y.-S. Chen, J.-Y. Lin, J. Wang, and S.-Y. Chen, Physical Review Letters 96, 095001 (2006).
- Enhancement of relativistic harmonic generation by an optically-preformed periodic plasma waveguide, C.-C. Kuo, C.-H. Pai, M.-W. Lin, K.-H. Lee, J.-Y. Lin, J. Wang, and S.-Y. Chen, Physical Review Letters 98, 033901 (2007).
- Dramatic enhancement of optical-field-ionization collisional-excitation x-ray lasing by an optically preformed plasma waveguide, M.-C. Chou, P.-H. Lin, C.-A. Lin, J.-Y. Lin, J. Wang, and S.-Y. Chen, Physical Review Letters 99, 063904 (2007).
- Backward Raman Amplification in a Plasma Waveguide, C.-H. Pai, M.-W. Lin, L.-C. Ha, S.-T. Huang, Y.-C. Tsou, H.-H. Chu, J.-Y. Lin, J. Wang, and S.-Y. Chen, Physical Review Letters 101, 065005 (2008).
- Relativistic optical rectification driven by a pulsed Gaussian beam, Gin-yih Tsaur and Jyhpyng Wang, Physical Review A 80, 023802 (2009).
- Generation of intense ultrashort midinfrared pulses by laser-plasma interaction in the bubble regime, C.-H. Pai, Y.-Y. Chang, L.-C. Ha, Z.-H. Xie, M.-W. Lin, J.-M. Lin, Y.-M. Chen, G. Tsaur, H.-H. Chu, S.-H. Chen, J.-Y. Lin, J. Wang, and S.-Y. Chen, Physical Review A 82, 063804 (2010).
- Relativistic birefringence induced by a high-intensity laser field in a plasma, Gin-yih Tsaur and Jyhpyng Wang, Physical Review A 83, 033801 (2011).
- Generation of quasi-monoenergetic protons from thin multi-ion foils by a combination of laser radiation pressure acceleration and shielded Coulomb repulsion, Tung-Chang Liu, Xi Shao, Chuan-Sheng Liu, Minqing He, Bengt Eliasson, Vipin Tripathi, Jao-Jang Su, Jyhpyng Wang, and Shih-Hung Chen, New Journal of Physics 15, 025026 (2013).
- A universal Laplace-transform approach to solving Schrödinger equations for all known solvable models, Gin-yih Tsaur and Jyhpyng Wang, European Journal of Physics 35, 015006 (2014).
- A 110-TW multiple-beam laser system with a 5-TW wavelength-tunable auxiliary beam for versatile control of laser-plasma interaction, Te-Sheng Hung, Chi-Hsiang Yang, Jyhpyng Wang, Szu-yuan Chen, Jiunn-Yuan Lin, and Hsu-hsin Chu, Applied Physics B 117, 1189 (2014).
- Laser acceleration of protons using multi-ion plasma gaseous targets, Tung-Chang Liu, Xi Shao, Chuan-Sheng Liu, Bengt Eliasson, W. T. Hill III, Jyhpyng Wang, and Shih-Hung Chen, New Journal of Physics 17, 023018 (2015).
- Single-shot temporal envelope measurement of ultrashort extreme-UV pulses by spatially encoded transmission gating, Hsu-hsin Chu, Chi-Hsiang Yang, Shih-Cheng Liu, and Jyhpyng Wang, Opt. Express 23, 34082 (2015).
- Temporal characterization of ultrashort linearly chirped electron bunches generated from a laser wakefield accelerator, C. J. Zhang, J. F. Hua, Y. Wan, B. Guo, C.-H. Pai, Y. P. Wu, F. Li, H.-H. Chu, Y. Q. Gu, W. B. Mori, C. Joshi, J. Wang, and W. Lu, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 19, 062802 (2016).
- Femtosecond Probing of Plasma Wakefields and Observation of the Plasma Wake
Reversal Using a Relativistic Electron Bunch, C. J. Zhang, J. F. Hua, Y. Wan, C.-H. Pai, B. Guo, J. Zhang, Y. Ma, F. Li, Y. P. Wu, H.-H. Chu, Y. Q. Gu, X. L. Xu, W. B. Mori, C. Joshi, J. Wang, and W. Lu, Physical Review Letters 119, 064801 (2017) (editor’s suggestion).
- Relativistic single-cycle tunable infrared pulses generated from a tailored plasma density structure, Zan Nie, Chih-Hao Pai, Jianfei Hua, Chaojie Zhang, Yipeng Wu, Yang Wan, Fei Li, Jie Zhang, Zhi Cheng, Qianqian Su, Shuang Liu, Yue Ma, Xiaonan Ning, Yunxiao He, Wei Lu, Hsu-Hsin Chu, Jyhpyng Wang, Warren B. Mori, and Chan Joshi, Nature Photonics 12, 489 (2018) (cover story of the 2018 August issue).
- Photon deceleration in plasma wakes generates single-cycle relativistic tunable infrared pulses, Zan Nie, Chih-Hao Pai, Jie Zhang, Xiaonan Ning, Jianfei Hua, Yunxiao He, Yipeng Wu, Qianqian Su, Shuang Liu, Yue Ma, Zhi Cheng, Wei Lu1, Hsu-Hsin Chu, Jyhpyng Wang, Chaojie Zhang, Warren B. Mori, and Chan Joshi, Nature Communication 11, 2787 (2020)
- Ultra-short pulse generation from mid-IR to THz range using plasma wakes and relativistic ionization fronts, Zan Nie, Yipeng Wu, Chaojie Zhang, Warren B. Mori, Chan Joshi, Wei Lu, Chih-Hao Pai, Jianfei Hua, and Jyhpyng Wang, Physics of Plasmas 28, 023106 (2021)
- Ion-based high-order harmonic generation from water window to keV region with a transverse disruptive pulse for quasi-phase-matching, Yao-Li Liu, Jyhpyng Wang, and Hsu-hsin Chu, Optics Express 30, 1365 (2022)
- Energetic picosecond 10.2-μm pulses generated in a BGGSe crystal for nonlinear seeding of terawatt-class CO2 amplifiers, Ya-Po Yang, Jheng-Yu Lee, and Jyhpyng Wang, Optics Express 32, 11182 (2024)
- Isolated-attosecond-pulse high-order harmonic generation of keV x-rays, Hsu-hsin Chu and Jyhpyng Wang, Physical Review A 109, 053511 (2024)
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