研究成果 - 林敏聰 博士

Spin structures of an exchange-coupled-bilayer system of expanded-face-centered-tetragonal (e-fct) Mn(001) ultrathin films grown on Co/Cu(001) were resolved by means of spin-polarized scanning-tunneling microscopy. With an in-plane spin-sensitive probe, a layered antiferromagnetic-spin ordering of Mn overlayers was evidenced directly. In addition, the spin frustration across the same Mn layer creating a narrow domain wall down to nanometer scale was also observed along the buried step of Co underlayers. According to the micromagnetic simulation, the step-induced domain-wall width is in agreement with the experimental results. Such in-plane layered antiferromagnetic-spin structures of e-fct Mn(001) provide uncompensated spins at the interface with Co underlayers and elucidate the mechanism of the corresponding exchange-bias field observed in the previous studies.
目前位置:本所人員 / 研究人員 / 林敏聰 / 研究成果
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最後更新於 2025-02-08 11:52:15
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最後更新於 2025-02-08 11:52:15