
研究成果 - 陳貴賢 博士

陳貴賢 博士
尖端材料實驗室 (AML)
主持人:陳貴賢 博士
實驗室:NB03, 台大凝態中心-1002,1014,1016
Graphene Oxide based Photocatalyst for CO2 to Methanol Conversion
H.C. Hsu, I. Shown, H.Y. Wei, Y.C. Chang, H.Y. Du, Y.G. Lin, C.H. Wang, L.C. Chen, Y.C. Lin, K.H. Chen
Nanoscale 5, 262-268 (2013)
Graphene Oxide based Photocatalyst for CO2 to Methanol Conversion
Photocatalytic conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) to hydrocarbons such as methanol makes possible simultaneous solar energy harvesting and CO2 reduction, two birds with one stone for the energy and environmental issues. This work describes a high photocatalytic conversion of CO2 to methanol using graphene oxides (GOs) as a promising photocatalyst. Modified Hummer’s method has been applied to synthesize the GO based photocatalyst for the enhanced catalytic activity. The photocatalytic CO2 to methanol conversion rate on modified graphene oxide (GO-3) is 0.172 mmole g-cat-1 h-1 under visible light, which is six-fold higher than the pure TiO2.
目前位置:本所人員 / 研究人員 / 陳貴賢 / 研究成果