陳賜原 博士 (尖端材料與表面科學組)
T.-S. Hung, Y.-C. Ho, Y.-L. Chang, S.-J. Wong, H.-H. Chu, J.-Y. Lin, J. Wang, and S.-Y. Chen*
Physics of Plasmas 19, 063109 (2012).
Programmable fabrication of longitudinal spatial structures in an optically preformed plasma waveguide in a gas jet was achieved, by using laser machining with a liquid-crystal spatial light modulator as the pattern mask. Fabrication of periodic structures with a minimal period of 200 lm and density-ramp structures with a minimal slope length of 100 lm was attained. The technique is useful for the optimization of various laser-plasma-based photon and particle sources.
目前位置:本所人員 / 研究人員/ 陳賜原
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最後更新於 2024-10-28 09:24:59
地址: 106319 台北市羅斯福路四段一號 或 106923 臺北臺大郵局 第23-166號信箱
電話:886-2-2362-0212 傳真:886-2-2362-0200 電子郵件:iamspublic@gate.sinica.edu.tw
最後更新於 2024-10-28 09:24:59