余慈顏 博士 (生物物理與分析技術組)
Hsu Cheng-Hsun, Yu Hsin-Yu, Lee Ho Jun, Wu Pei-Hao, Huang Shing-Jong, Lee Jong Suk*, Yu Tsyr-Yan*, Li Yi-Pei*, Kang Dun-Yen*
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Water and other small molecules frequently coordinate within metal-organicframeworks(MOFs). These coordinated molecules may actively engage in mass transfer, moving together with the transport molecules, but this phenomenon has yet to be examined. In this study, we explore a unique water transfer mechanism in UTSA-280, where an incoming water molecule can displace a coordinated molecule for mass transfer. We refer to this process as the“knock-off”mechanism. Despite UTSA-280 possessing one-dimensional channels, the knock-off transport enables water movement along the other two axes, effectively simulating a pseudo-three-dimensional mass transfer. Even with a relatively narrow pore width, the knock-off mechanism enables a high water flux in the UTSA-280 membrane.The knock-off mechanism also renders UTSA-280 superior water/ethanol diffusion selectivity for per vaporation.To validate this unique mechanism, we conducted 1H and 2H solid-state NMR on UTSA-280 after the adsorption of deuterated water. We also derived potential energy diagrams from the density functional theory to gain atomic-level insight into the knock-off and the direct-hopping mechanisms.The simulation findings reveal that the energy barrier of the knock-off mechanism is marginally lower than the direct-hopping pathway, implying its potential role in enhancing water diffusion in UTSA-280.
目前位置:本所人員 / 研究人員/ 余慈顏
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最後更新於 2024-12-09 09:54:03
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最後更新於 2024-12-09 09:54:03