研究成果 - 賴品光 博士

Membrane Protein Modification Modulates Big and Small Extracellular Vesicle Biodistribution and Tumorigenic Potential in Breast Cancers in vivo
Advanced Materials. https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202208966 (2023).
Our latest publication employed PalmGRET, a bioluminescence-resonance-energy-transfer (BRET)-based EV reporter, to discover an abundant release of big EVs (bEVs; >200 nm) by aggressive breast cancers when compared to epithelial and less malignant cells. bEVs have been largely overshadowed by small EVs (sEVs; <200 nm) in EV research in the past decades. This is the first study to accurately detect and systematically compare biophysical property and in vivo profiles of breast cancer bEVs and sEVs. This is followed by the identification of EV surface oncoproteins, and their role in modulating organotropism and tumorigenic potential of the bEVs and sEVs. Our landmark findings impart a broad and deep reference for upcoming EV studies, with an emphasis on EV engineering for diagnosis and therapeutic applications.
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最後更新於 2025-02-14 15:25:36
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最後更新於 2025-02-14 15:25:36