研究成果 - 張煥正 博士

Imaging Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation Using Nanodiamonds with Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers
Nano Lett. 23, 9811–9816 (2023).
Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation with wavelengths of 10 – 121 nm has drawn considerable attention recently for its use in photolithography to fabricate nanoelectronic chips. This study demonstrates, for the first time, fluorescent nanodiamonds (FNDs) with nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers as scintillators to image and characterize EUV radiations. The FNDs employed are ~100 nm in size; they form a uniform and stable thin film on an indium tin oxide-coated slide by electrospray deposition. The film is non-hygroscopic, photostable, and can emit bright red fluorescence from NV0 centers when excited by EUV light. An FND-based imaging device has been developed and applied for beam diagnostics of 50 nm and 13.5 nm synchrotron radiations, achieving a spatial resolution of 30 μm using a film of ~1 μm thickness. The noise equivalent power density is 29 μW/cm2Hz1/2 for the 13.5 nm radiation. The method is generally applicable to imaging EUV radiations from different sources.
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最後更新於 2025-02-14 15:25:36