- Li-Guang Jiao, Yew Kam Ho (2015), Computation of two-electron screened Coulomb potential integrals in Hylleraas basis, Computer Physics Communications 188, 140–147.
- Ye Ning, Zong-Chao Yan, and Yew Kam Ho (2015), An investigation of resonances in e+-H scattering embedded in Debye plasm, Physics of Plasmas 22, 013302.
- Li-Guang Jiao_and Yew Kam Ho (2015), Application of Lowdin's Canonical Orthogonalization Method to the Slater-type orbital Configuration-interaction Basis, Int. J. Quantum Chem., 115, 434–441.
- Yen-Chang Lin, Te-Kuei Fang, and Yew Kam Ho (2015), Quantum entanglement for helium atom in the Debye plasmas, Physics of Plasmas 22, 032113.
- Hsuan Tung Peng and Yew Kam Ho (2015), Statistical Correlations of the N-particle Moshinsky Model, Entropy 17, 1882-1895.
- Yen-Chang Lin and Yew Kam Ho (2015), Quantum entanglement for two electrons in the excited states of helium-like systems, Can. J. Phys. 93, 646–653.
- Chien-Hao Lin and Yew Kam Ho (2015), Quantification of Entanglement Entropies for Doubly Excited States in Helium, Few-Body Systems 56, 157–163.
- Chien-Hao Lin and Yew Kam Ho (2015), Shannon information entropy in position space for two-electron atomic systems, Chem. Phys. Lett. 633, 261–264.
- M. K. Pandey, Y.-C. Lin, and Y. K. Ho (2015) An investigation of antiprotons collisions with positronium atom in Debye plasma environments, Physics of Plasmas. 22, 052104.
- Yen-Chang Lin, Chih-Yuan Lin, and Yew Kam Ho (2015), Spectral/Structural Data of Helium Atoms with Exponential-Cosine-Screened Coulomb Potentials. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 115, 830-836.
- H.-T. Peng and Y. K. Ho (2015), Entanglement for Excited States of Ultracold Bosonic Atoms in One-Dimensional Harmonic Traps with Contact Interaction, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 29, 1550189.
- Chien-Hao Lin and Yew Kam Ho (2015), Quantum Entanglement and Shannon Information Entropy for the Doubly Excited Resonance State in Positronium Negative Ion, Atoms 3, 422-432.
- Ye Ning, Z.-C. Yan and Y. K. Ho (2016), Natural and unnatural parity resonance states in the positron-hydrogen system with screened coulomb interactions, Atoms 4, 3 (18pp).
- M. K. Pandey, Y.-C. Lin, and Y. K. Ho (2016), Positronium formation in positron and alkali-metal atoms (Li, Na, K, Rb, & Cs) collisions in Debye plasma environments, J. Phys. B, At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 (2016) 034007 (13pp).
- M. K. Pandey, Y.-C. Lin, and Y. K. Ho (2016), Classical analysis of angular differential and total cross sections for charge transfer and ionization in He-like systems-Helium atom collisions, Chin. J. Phys. 54, 175-184.
- Y. K. Ho and S. Kar (2016), High-lying doubly excited resonances in Ps- interacting with screened Coulomb potentials, Chin. J. Phys. 54, 574 - 581.
- Sabyasachi Kar, Yang Wang, Y. K. Ho, and Zishi Jiang (2016), Resonant Compton Scattering of Photons by Helium Atoms in Lorentzian Astrophysical Plasmas, Few-Body Syst. 57, 1139–1145.
- Arijit Ghoshal and Yew Kam Ho (2016), S-wave resonances below the Ps(n=2) excitation threshold of the e+-He system embedded in Debye plasma, EPJD, 70, 265
- M. K. Pandey, Y.-C. Lin, and Y. K. Ho (2017), Effects of weakly coupled and dense quantum plasmas environments on charge exchange and ionization processes in Na+ + Rb(5s) atom collisions, Eur. Phys. J. D. 71, 39
- Arijit Ghoshal and Yew Kam Ho (2017), An investigation on the He- (1s2s2 2S) resonance in Debye plasmas, Atoms 5, 2.
- Arijit Ghoshal and Yew Kam Ho (2017), Resonances below the Ps (n = 2) excitation threshold of the e+−He (1s2s 3Se) system interacting with screened potentials, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50, 075001 (7pp).
- Jen Hao Ou and Yew Kam Ho (2017), Shannon information entropy in position space for ground state and singly excited states of helium with finite confinements. ATOMS 5, 15.
- Arijit Ghoshal and Yew Kam Ho (2017), Resonances below the Ps(n = 2) excitation threshold of the e+−Li system interacting with screened potentials, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 95, 052502.
- L. G. Jiao, L. R. Zan, Y. Z. Zhang, and Y. K. Ho (2017), Benchmark values of Shannon entropy for spherically confined hydrogen atom, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 117, 25375.
- Arijit Ghoshal and Yew Kam Ho (2017), S-Wave Resonances Below the Ps(n=2) Excitation Threshold of the Positron–Helium System Embedded in Dense Quantum Plasma, Few-Body Systems 58, 138.
- Rong Mei Yu, Li Rong Zan, Li Guang Jiao, Yew Kam Ho (2017), Benchmark calculation of radial expectation value for confined hydrogen-like atoms and isotropic harmonic oscillators, Few-Body Systems 58, 52 (2017).
- J. H. Ou and Y. K. Ho (2017), Shannon information entropy in position space for doubly excited states of helium with finite confinements, Chem. Phys. Letters 689, 116–120
- Li Rong Zan, Li Guang Jiao, Jia Ma, and Yew Kam Ho (2017), "Information-theoretic measures of hydrogen-like ions in weakly-coupled Debye plasmas," Physics of Plasmas 24, 122101.
- S. Kar and Y. K. Ho (2018), “Polarizability of Negatively Charged Heliumlike Ions Interacting with Coulomb and Screened Coulomb potentials," International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 118, e25515.
- Sabyasachi Kar, Yu-Shu Wang, Yang Wang, and Yew Kam Ho (2018), "Tune-out wavelengths for helium-like ions in plasma environments," Canadian J. Phys. 96, 633–641 (2018).
- S. Kar and Y. K. Ho (2018), “Excitons and the positronium negative ion – Comparison of spectroscopic properties,” in: S.L. Pyshkin (Ed.), Excitons, INTECH, pp. 69–90, Chapter 5.
- Sabyasachi Kar and Yew Kam Ho (2018), A new 1Po shape resonance in Ps− above the Ps(N=3) threshold, Phys. Lett. A 382, 1787–1790.
- Li Guang Jiao, Li R Zan, Lin Zhu and Yew Kam Ho (2018), Full configuration-interaction calculations of the angular quantities for helium atom, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1135, 1–5.
- Arijit Ghoshal and Yew Kam Ho (2018), Resonances in Positronic Lithium under Quantum Plasmas, Jurnal Fizik Malaysia 39, 20001-20012.
- Arijit Ghoshal and Yew Kam Ho (2018) Doubly-excited states of beryllium-like ions with screened Coulomb potentials, Atoms 2018, 6, 41
- Sabyasachi Kar and Yew Kam Ho (2018), Two-photon double-electron D-wave resonant excitation in the positronium negative ion, EPJD 72, 193.
- Sabyasachi Kar, Zishi Jiang, Yang Wang, Yu-Shu Wang, and Yew Kam Ho (2018), Potential-screening on atomic wavelengths, Chinese Journal of Physics 56, 3085-3098.
- Z.-C. Yan and Yew Kam Ho (2018), Triply-excited resonance states in the positron-helium system, Phys. Rev. A 98, 062702.
- Sabyasachi Kar, Yu-Shu Wang, and Yew Kam Ho (2019), Critical stability for wo-electron ions with Yukawa potentials and varying Z, Phys. Rev. A 99, 042514.
- J. H. Ou and Y. K. Ho (2019) Benchmark calculations of Renyi, Tsallis entropies and Onicescu information energy for ground state helium using correlated Hylleraas wave functions, IJQC 2019, e25928.
- Sabyasachi Kar, Yu-Shu Wang, Yang Wang, Yew Kam Ho (2019), Critical Stability of the Negatively Charged Positronium-like ions with Yukawa Potentials and Varying Z, Atoms 7, 53.
- Li Guang Jiao, Li Rong Zan, Lin Zhu, Jia Ma, and Yew Kam Ho (2019), Accurate computation of screened Coulomb potential integrals in numerical Hartree–Fock programs, Comp. Phys. Comm. 244, 217–227
- Jen-Hao Ou and Yew Kam Ho (2019), Shannon, Rényi, Tsallis Entropies and Onicescu Information Energy for Low-Lying Singly Excited States of Helium, Atoms 7, 70.
- Li Guang Jiao, Li Rong Zan, Lin Zhuao, Yong Zhi Zhang, and Yew Kam Ho (2019), High-precision calculation of the geometric quantities of two-electron atoms based on Hylleraas configuration-interaction basis, Phys. Rev. A 100, 022509.
- Nirvik Masanta, Arijit Ghoshal, and Yew Kam Ho (2019), S-wave resonances below the Ps(n=2) threshold in positronic sodium interacting with screened Coulomb potentials, Indian J. Phys (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12648-019-01609-1
- Yu-Shu Wang, Sabyasachi Kar, and Yew Kam Ho (2020), Tune-out and magic wavelengths for the hydrogenlike systems, Int, J. Quan. Chem. 2020;120:e26115
- Lin Zhu, Yu Ying He, and Li Guang Jiao, Yuan Cheng Wang, and Yew Kam Ho (2020), Revisiting the generalized pseudospectral method: The radial expectation values, fine structure, and hyperfine splitting of confined atom, Int J Quantum Chem. 2020;120:e26245
- Yong Zhi Zhang, Ya Chen Gao, Li Guang Jiao, Fang Liu, and Yew Kam Ho (2020), Linear dependence in Hylleraas configuration-interaction calculations, Int J Quantum Chem.2020;120: e26136.
- Sabyasachi Kar and Yew Kam Ho (2020), Calculations of Resonance Parameters for the Doubly Excited 1Po States in Ps- Using Exponentially Correlated Wave Functions, Atoms 8, 1.
- JLin Zhu, Yu Ying He, Li Guang Jiao, Yuan Cheng Wang, and Yew Kam Ho (2020), Accurate calculation of multipole polarizabilities for one-electron atom in Debye plasmas, Physics of Plasmas 27, 072101.
- Sabyasachi Kar, Yang Wang, and Yew Kam Ho (2020), Triplet P states in Ps- using correlated exponential wave functions, to be published.
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