
歷史演講 (第11頁)

歷史演講 (第11頁)
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日期 時間 地點 講者 講題
2015-05-04 下午 12:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 林志忠教授
2015-04-30 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 詹揚翔助理教授
Semiconducting Polymer Nanoparticles as Fluorescent Probes for Biological Imaging and Sensing
2015-04-23 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 Prof. Naonobu Katada
Dept. of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering, Tottori Univ., Japan
Ammonia-TPD for Analysis of Acidic Properties of Solids
2015-04-16 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 李紀倫副教授
Rubik's cube: a thermokinetic perspective
2015-04-13 下午 12:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Prof. Yeong-Cherng Liang
National Cheng Kung University
From device-independent entanglement detection to device-independent entanglement quantification and beyond
2015-04-09 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 黃太煌特聘研究員
Unraveling the molecular mechanism of SUMO-mediated signal transduction
2015-03-30 下午 12:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Prof. Te-Yuan Chung
National Central University
Volume Bragg grating (VBG), a versatile laser component
2015-03-26 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 楊立威助理教授
Mechanical characteristics of enzyme catalysis
2015-03-24 下午 12:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Prof. Wen-Hao Chang
National Chiao Tung University
Nanodiamonds on plasmonic platform
2015-03-19 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 張正宏副教授
Fluctuation Relations between Hierarchical Kinetic Networks
2015-03-16 上午 11:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 Dr. Yi-Hsien Lee
Assistant Professor of Dept. Materials Science and Engineering, NTHU
Synthesis, applications of TMD monolayers and their heterostructures
2015-03-12 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 林志民博士
Spectroscopy and Reactivity of Criegee Intermediates, “Hot” Molecules in Atmospheric Chemistry and in International Competitions
2015-03-06 上午 10:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 Dr. Joshua C. H. Lui
Department of Physics, MIT
Shedding light on two-dimensional electrons in graphene and beyond
2015-03-05 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 朱士維教授
Superresolution microscopy based on nonlinearities of scattering
2015-03-03 下午 12:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Dr. Hsiang-Hua Jen
Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica
Collective Lamb shift of superradiant cascade emissions in an atomic ensemble
2015-02-09 下午 12:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Dr. Sheng-wey Chiow
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
Precision metrology using atom interferometry: from laboratory to space
2015-01-26 下午 02:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 Dr. Jun Ye
NIST and JILA of CU Boulder, USA
Speacial Forum with students and young researchers
2015-01-26 上午 10:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 Dr. Jun Ye
NIST and JILA of CU Boulder, USA
Ultracold molecules – a new frontier for quantum physics and chemistry
2015-01-14 上午 10:30 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Dr. Charlie Gosse
Laboratoire de Photonique et de Nanostructures, LPN-CNRS, Marcoussis, France
Development of a microdevice to locally electroporate mouse embryos and enable single cell fate studies during morphogenesis
2015-01-12 下午 12:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Dr. Hsiao-Chih Huang
IAMS, Academia Sinica
Optical beams carrying orbital angular momentum and ghost imaging
2015-01-08 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 朱立岡助理教授
Photochemistry of photosynthetic proteins: Spectroscopic and electrochemical studies
2015-01-05 下午 12:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Dr. Yann Le Coq
LNE-SYRTE, CNRS/UPMC/Observatoire de Paris
Optical frequency combs and ultra-stable lasers, optical and microwave applications
2014-12-25 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 朱明文研究員
Atom-by-Atom Spectroscopy for Emergent Phenomena at Oxide Interfaces
2014-12-22 下午 12:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 張存續教授
Group delay control by manipulating the polarization
2014-12-18 下午 03:30 台大化學系松柏講堂 詹迺立教授
1. Structural studies of human type II topoisomerases and their interactions with anticancer drugs 2. Structural basis of antizyme-mediated inhibition and proteasomal degradation of ornithine decarboxylase
2014-12-11 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 邱博文教授
Twisting Graphene Superlattices
2014-12-04 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 張銘顯博士
Manipulation of quantum spins for fundamental studies and sensing applications
2014-11-20 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 吳國安教授
Order-Parameter Theory of Crystalline Anisotropy for Solid-Liquid Interfaces
2014-11-17 下午 12:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 鄭俊輝先生
Topological Condensate in an Interaction Induced Gauge Potential
2014-11-12 上午 10:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 林永昌博士
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
2D materials: from electron microscope's point of view
2014-11-06 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 籔下篤史副教授
Ultrafast time-resolved spectroscopy of photovoltaic polymers using ultrashort 10fs visible pulse
2014-11-03 下午 12:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Dr. Cheming Li
National Cheng Kung University
Witnessing Single-System Steering for Quantum Information Processing
2014-10-30 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 Prof. Henryk Witek
Exact treatment of electron correlation: progress of research in my group
2014-10-30 下午 02:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 王少君教授
Plasmonic Detections with Microfluidics
2014-10-29 下午 03:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Dr. Heather Montgomery
Deputy Editor for Faraday Discussions/Chemical Society Reviews/Chemical Communications/Chemical Science of Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
Publishing in high impact journals
2014-10-23 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 邱雅萍副教授
Toward atomically, directly understanding interface science of novel emergent materials
2014-10-16 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 Prof. Francois Treussart
Physics Department, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, France
Tracking fluorescent nanodiamonds in dendrites of neurons in culture: readout of genetically related functional disorders
2014-10-14 上午 11:00 浦大邦紀念講堂 陳義華教授
2014-10-13 下午 12:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Dr. Bo Xiong
National Tsing Hua University
Non-adiabatic multi-channel dynamics of a spin-orbit coupled condensate
2014-10-02 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 張允崇副研究員
Developing Low-cost and High-throughput Nanofabrication Methods
2014-09-29 下午 12:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Dr. Feng-Li Lin
National Taiwan Normal University
Decoherence Patterns of Topological Qubits from Majorana Modes
2014-09-25 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 陳壁彰助研究員
Lattice light sheet microscopy - Imaging molecules, cells, and embryos at high spatiotemporal resolution
2014-09-18 下午 03:30 浦大邦紀念講堂 區迪頤教授
The shale gas revolution: the US Experience, the world outlook, and the opportunities for chemical R&D
2014-09-15 下午 12:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Dr. ZIAUDDIN
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Islamabad, Pakistan
Coherent control of the Goos-Hanchen shift
2014-09-02 下午 04:30 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Prof. Shinji Nonose
Graduate School of Nanobioscience, Yokohama City University, Japan
Conformations of Protein Ions Probed by Proton-Transfer Reactions at Various Temperature
2014-08-21 上午 11:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Dr. Yo-Tsen Liu
Hereditary amyloidosis: diseases, genetic mutations and protein malformation
2014-08-01 下午 12:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Prof. A. R. P. Rau
Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, USA
Quantum spins, real rotations, and a 1913 Ramanujan conjecture
2014-07-31 上午 10:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Dr. Yuan-Pin Chang
The Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Germany
State-, size-, and isomer-selected molecular samples and their applications in chemical dynamics
2014-07-30 上午 10:30 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Prof. A. R. P. Rau
Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, USA
Explorations in Quantum Information
2014-07-28 上午 10:00 張昭鼎紀念講堂 Dr. Gentaro Watanabe
Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP), Korea
Swallowtail band structure of the superfluid Fermi gas in an optical lattice & Dissipative preparation of squeezed states with ultracold atomic gases
目前位置:歷史演講 / 第 11 頁