Laboratory for Mass Spectrometric and Spectroscopic Studies of Biomolecules

My secretary
bulletPrecise S100 and IE values determined by our research group using MATI spectroscopy [reference]
bulletChemical properties of molecules studied in our research group (molecular weight, melting point, boiling point) [reference]
bulletFrequencies of normal vibrations of benzene derivatives in the S0, S1 and D0 states [reference]
bulletLaser dyes and their wavelength ranges [reference]
bulletVapor pressures of some chemicals  [reference]
bulletGreek Alphabets [reference]
bulletRoman Numbers [查考]
bulletNormal vibrations of benzene derivatives [reference]
bullet Physical constants, conversion factors and equations [reference]
bulletUseful reference books and review articles [reference]

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聯絡電話:(02)2366-8222,傳真:(02)2362-0200,電子郵件: wbt@sinica.edu.tw
郵政地址: 106台北市羅斯福路四段一號,郵政信箱23-166號中研院原分所。
上次網頁修改日期: 2023/02/18
背景音樂:Michelle (蜜雪兒)