研究成果 - 許良彥 博士

Anomalous Giant Superradiance in Molecular Aggregates Coupled to Polaritons
Phys.Rev. Lett. 133, 128001 (2024).
In this Letter, we unveil an eccentric superradiance phenomenon in molecular aggregates coupled to surface plasmon polaritons. Through the quantization of electromagnetic fields in media, we demonstrate that superradiance can be significantly enhanced by polaritons and its behavior distinguishably surpasses the Dick's 𝑁 scaling law. To understand the mechanism of this anomalous phenomenon, we derive an analytical expression of the superradiance rate, which is general for molecular aggregates in arbitrary dispersive and absorbing media. Furthermore, we demonstrate the importance of intermolecular distance for this extraordinary superradiance.
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最後更新於 2025-02-14 15:25:36
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最後更新於 2025-02-14 15:25:36