研究成果 - 許良彥 博士

Wide-Dynamic-Range Control of Quantum-Electrodynamic Electron Transfer Reactions in the Weak Coupling Regime
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 15, 7403−7410 (2024).
Catalyzing reactions effectively by vacuum fluctuations of electromagnetic fields is a significant challenge within the realm of chemistry. As opposed to most studies based on vibrational strong coupling, we introduce an innovative catalytic mechanism driven by weakly coupled polaritonic fields. Through the amalgamation of macroscopic quantum electrodynamics (QED) principles with Marcus electron transfer (ET) theory, we predict that ET reaction rates can be precisely modulated across a wide dynamic range by controlling the size and structure of nanocavities. Compared to QED-driven radiative ET rates in free space, plasmonic cavities induce substantial rate enhancements spanning the range from 103- to 10-fold. By contrast, Fabry–Perot cavities engender rate suppression spanning the range from 10–2- to 10–1-fold. This work overcomes the necessity of using strong light–matter interactions in QED chemistry, opening up a new era of manipulating QED-based chemical reactions in a wide dynamic range.
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