

標題:分子與材料模擬實驗室誠徵博士後研究學者及碩士級研究助理 (II)
內容:We have openings for post-doc fellows (with Ph.D degree) and research assistants (with M.Sc degree) under a project on Development of Integrative Computational Tools to Link Observables in Experimental Vibrational and Electronic Spectra and Properties of Novel Materials.  (Project ends July/2024).

In this project, my group works with two theoretical teams of Y-C Cheng and M. Hayashi in NTU@TW to integrate our algorithms that cover UV/Vis, IR and THz spectral regions. In this project, we are looking for candidates who have experience in methodology developments. More info. about this project can be found in https://youtu.be/iOGGUoDjTyU. Two recent publications can be found below:
https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2021/cp/d1cp04451f/ (IR/Raman/SFG)
https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/5.0042848 (2D spectra)

Applicants should contact Dr. Jer-Lai Kuo with the following: (1) CV (three names for letter of recommendations), (2) a short description on the research expertise and how the applicant can contribute to this project, and (3) other related documents such as publications and research experiences.  To find out more on our recent publications:

【工作地點】中研院原子與分子科學研究所 (台灣大學校內) 
【聯絡人】郭哲來老師 (jlkuo@pub.iams.sinica.edu.tw)
檢附資料:(1) CV (three names for letter of recommendations), (2) a short description on the research expertise and how the applicant can contribute to this project, and (3) other related documents such as publications and research experiences.
聯絡人:郭哲來老師 (jlkuo@pub.iams.sinica.edu.tw)