邱博文 博士 (尖端材料與表面科學組)
- Three-fold rotational defects in two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides, Nat. Commun. 6, 6736 (2015).
- In-situ observation of step-edge in-plane growth of graphene in a STEM, Nat. Commun. 5, 4055 (2014).
- Scalable Graphite/Copper Bishell Composite for High-Performance Interconnects, ACS Nano 8, 275 (2014).
- Gating Electron-Hole Asymmetry in Twisted Bilayer Graphene, ACS Nano 8, 6962 (2014).
- Gigahertz Flexible Graphene Transistors for Microwave Integrated Circuits, ACS Nano 8, 7663 (2014).
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