Dr. Kopin Liu (Chemical Dynamics and Spectroscopy)
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Selected Publications
- “Reaction dynamics of O(1D) + H2, D2 and HD: A direct evidence for the elusive abstraction pathway and the estimation of its branching", Y.-T. Hsu, J.-H. Wang, and K. Liu, J. Chem. Phys. 107, 2351 (1997)
- “van der Waals interactions in the Cl + HD reaction", D. Skouteris, D.E. Manolopoulos, W. Bian, H.-J. Werner, L.-H. Lai, and K. Liu, Science 286, 1713 (1999)
- “Observation of a transition state resonance in the integral cross section of the F + HD reaction", R. T. Skodje, D. Skouteris, D. E. Manolopoulos, S.-H. Lee, F. Dong., and K. Liu, J. Chem. Phys. 112, 4536 (2000)
- “Resonance-mediated chemical reaction: F + HD -> HF +D", R. T. Skodje, D. Skouteris, D. E. Manolopoulos, S.-H. Lee, F. Dong., and K. Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 1206 (2000)
- “Crossed-beam studies of neutral reactions: state-specific differential cross sections", K. Liu, Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 52, 139 (2001)
- “Application of time-sliced ion velocity imaging to crossed molecular beam experiments", J. J. Lin, J. Zhou, W. Shiu, and K. Liu, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 74, 2495 (2003)
- “State-specific correlation of coincident product pairs in the F + CD4 reaction", J. J. Lin, J. Zhou, W. Shiu, and K. Liu, Science 300, 966 (2003)
- “Reactive resonance in a polyatomic reaction", W. Shiu, J. J. Lin, and K. Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 103201 (2004)
- “Do vibrational excitations of CHD3 preferentially promote reactivity toward the chlorine atom?”, S. Yan, Y.-T.Wu, B. Zhang, X.-F. Yue, and K. Liu, Science 316, 1723 (2007)
- “Product pair correlation in bimolecular reactions", K. Liu, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 9, 17 (2007)
- “Tracking the energy flow along the reaction path", S. Yan, Y.-T.Wu, and K. Liu, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105, 12667 (2008)
- “CH stretching excitation in the early barrier F + CHD3 reaction inhibits CH bond cleavage", W. Zhang, H. Kawamata, and K. Liu, Science 325, 303 (2009)
- “Deciphering the nature of the reactive resonance in F + CHD3: Correlated differential cross-sections of the two isotopic channels", J. Zhou, J. J. Lin, and K. Liu, Mol. Phys. 108, 957 (2010)
- “Enlarging the reactive cone of acceptance by exciting the C-H bond in the O(3P) + CHD3 reaction", F. Wang and K. Liu, Chem. Sci. 1, 126 (2010)
- “Steric control of the reaction of CH stretch-excited CHD3 with chlorine atom", F. Wang, J.-S. Lin, and K. Liu, Science 331, 900 (2011)
- "Quantum Dynamical Resonances in Chemical Reactions: From A + BC to Polyatomic Systems", K. Liu, Adv. Chem. Phys. 149, 1 (2012)
- “Revealing the Stereo-Specific Chemistry in the Reaction of Cl with Aligned CHD3(v1=1)", F. Wang, K. Liu, and T. P. Rakitzis, Nat. Chem. 4, 636 (2012).
- “How to measure a complete set of polarization-dependent differential cross sections in a scattering experiment with aligned reagents?, F. Wang, J.-S. Lin, and K. Liu, J. Chem. Phys. 140, 084202 (2014)
- "Imaging the Stereodynamics of Cl + CH4(ν3=1): Polarization Dependence on the Rotational Branch and the Hyperfine Depolarization", Huilin Pan, Jiayue Yang, Fengyan Wang, and Kopin Liu, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 5, 3878-3883 (2014)
- "Perspective: Vibrational-Induced Steric Effects in Bimolecular Reactions", K. Liu, Joural of Chemical Physics, 142, 080901(2015)
- "Vibrational Control of Bimolecular Reactions with Methane by Mode, Bond, and Stereo Selectivity", K. Liu, Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 67, 91-111 (2016)
- "Control of Chemical Reactivity by Transition-State and Beyond", H. Guo and K. Liu, Chemical Science, 7, 3992-4003 (2016)
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People / Faculty / Kopin Liu
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