
研究成果 - 陳貴賢 博士

陳貴賢 博士
尖端材料實驗室 (AML)
主持人:陳貴賢 博士
實驗室:NB03, 台大凝態中心-1002,1014,1016
Vitalizing fuel cells with a vitamin: pyrolyzed vitamin B12 as non-precious catalyst for enhanced oxygen reduction reaction
S.T. Chang, C.H. Wang, H.Y. Du, H.C. Hsu, C.M. Kang, C.C. Chen, C.S. Wu, S.C. Yen, W.F. Huang, L.C. Chen, M.C. Lin, and K.H. Chen*
Energy & Environmental Science 5 (2012), 5305-5314
Vitalizing fuel cells with a vitamin: pyrolyzed vitamin B12 as non-precious catalyst for enhanced oxygen reduction reaction
The limited natural abundance and high cost of Pt has been a major barrier in its applications for hydrogen fuel cells. In this work, based on the pyrolyzed vitamin B12 (py-B12/C), it is reported to produce superior catalytic activity in the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) with an electron transfer number of 3.90, which is very close to the ideal case of 4. The H2–O2 fuel cell using py-B12/C provides a maximum power density of 370 mW/cm2 and a current density of 0.720 A/cm2 at 0.5 V at 70 oC. The long-term stability and high ORR activity of py-B12/C make it a viable candidate as a Pt-substitute in the ORR.
目前位置:本所人員 / 研究人員 / 陳貴賢 / 研究成果