
歷史活動 (第 1 頁)

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時間:2024年07月05日 上午 08:30 ~ 2024年07月08日 下午 09:00
為紀念瑪麗居禮 (Maria Skłodowska-Curie)榮獲諾貝爾化學獎100週年,在李遠哲院士的倡議以及國內學術界精英及產業界傑出企業家們的協力奔走之下,「居禮夫人高中化學營」首度於2011年7月隆重舉行。迄2023年,這個由財團法人張昭鼎紀念基金會所承辦的暑期營隊活動已持續辦理了十三屆。2023年營隊名稱正式更改為「瑪麗居禮科學營」,為表達對這位有卓越成就之女性科學家的尊重。辦理「瑪麗居禮科學營」的主要目的,是期盼學員們能實際體會科學與我們日常生活息息相關,譬如在電子、能源、尖端材料與生技產業中均扮演不可或缺的角色。
名稱:Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry相關連結
時間:2024年05月15日 下午 03:00 ~ 2024年05月18日 上午 11:00

Science Themes for the 2024 workshop are:

  • General Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry (including laboratory, field, chamber and model work)
  • Multiphase Processes (including chemical interactions in SOA and aerosol formations, and particulate matter (PM) evolution)
  • Gas Phase Chemical Physics (including exploring chemical reactivity, kinetics, and reaction mechanisms in the gas phase)

The workshop series provides an informal opportunity for presentation of recent results and ongoing projects from both Taiwan and Japan’s sides.

The meeting format is a combination of more than 15 invited talks and a poster session, alongside the international communication and lab visiting opportunity.

時間:2024年04月22日 下午 12:00 ~ 下午 02:10
由國科會、中華民國數學會與台灣物理學會攜手金鐘獎提名團隊,打造之全新懸疑科普微電影:『遊戲開始』物理篇《The Quantum Quiz》特映會,歡迎大學部/研究所學生報名參加。播放結束後舉辦量子物理座談會,邀請從事量子物理的老師,讓學生了解在台灣可以從事的量子相關研究。
時間:2024年04月20日 下午 01:30 ~ 下午 04:00
本活動是專為大學院校同學所舉辦,希望能讓各位對中研院原分所「化學動態學與光譜組」、「尖端材料與表面科學組」、「生物物理與分析技術組」及「原子物理與光學組」等四個領域的研究方向有所認識。尤其,本所暑期研究實習計畫 (https://www.iams.sinica.edu.tw/ssr/) 將於四月一日開放申請,有興趣的同學,可藉此更加了解本所各實驗室的研究方向與環境,以便做出最適合自己的選擇。
名稱:The 24th East Asia Workshop on Chemical Dynamics (EAWCD 2024)相關連結
時間:2024年03月18日 上午 08:30 ~ 2024年03月20日 下午 04:30

We will be holding the 24th East Asia Workshop on Chemical Dynamics (EAWCD 2024) on March 18 to 20 in Dr. Poe Lecture Hall of the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. In this meeting we will bring together young and growing researchers in various field of physical chemistry from Australia, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan.

27 years after the inaugural meeting in 1997, the field of chemical dynamics has evolved and many different themes in science are being studied using physical chemistry methods developed for chemical dynamics studies. In order to strengthen our understating on these growing fields we will have 24 oral cutting edge presentations in this workshop. We hope to bring intense scientific discussion as well as friendly interaction between the researchers. We believe this workshop will be a good platform for research collaborations.

We would like to invite interested students to participate in this meeting and feel cutting edge research that is performed in physical chemistry. We look forward to seeing you in Taipei.

名稱:2023 IAMS Young Fellow Research Presentation相關連結
時間:2023年12月21日 上午 09:00 ~ 下午 08:00

Building on previous years' success for the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences Young Fellow Research Presentation, we will host a similar event this year on December 21, 2023. Similar to previous years, we will have both oral and poster presentations. This year, we invite postdoctoral fellows, research assistants, and students to present in oral talks or poster presentations.

This workshop will be an opportunity for the young generation to present what they have done and for IAMS to show the variety of research done in our institute. We hope our young fellows can take this opportunity to brush up their presentation abilities as well as listen to other presentations and absorb what others are doing good.

名稱:【量子世界的多重宇宙 - 淺談量子技術的最新發展】論壇相關連結
時間:2023年12月05日 下午 01:30 ~ 下午 05:30

本次論壇特邀請到史丹福大學量子科與技術中心2位大師Prof. Jonathan Simon和Prof. David Schuster蒞臨介紹有關量子科技目前世界上發展之現況,他們將就量子世界中的科技、機會與挑戰進行科普簡介,同時探討量子科技之應用及目前研究所要追求之技術突破,藉由技術之突破將為未來世界帶來何種樣貌之改變。


名稱:2023 中央研究院院區開放參觀活動相關連結
時間:2023年10月21日 上午 09:00 ~ 下午 04:00



名稱:The 6th International Conference on Molecular Simulation (ICMS 2023)相關連結
時間:2023年10月06日 下午 04:00 ~ 2023年10月09日 下午 04:30

We are happy to announce that the 6th International Conference on Molecular Simulation (ICMS 2023) will be held from October 6th to 9th 2023 in the venues of the National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.

Molecular simulations have become an essential tool in Physics, Chemistry, Biological/Material Sciences, and Engineering over the last few decades. The International Conference on Molecular Simulations (ICMS) was initiated by the Molecular Simulation Society of Japan in 1994 to promote molecular simulations as a platform for inter-disciplinary research. The first three meetings were held in 1994, 2004, and 2013 in Fukui, Tsukuba, and Kobe, respectively. After the 4th and 5th ICMS in Shanghai 2016 and Jeju 2019 with hundreds of participants from more than 20 countries, the 6th ICMS was initially scheduled to take place in Taipei in 2022. However, the meeting has so far been hindered due to the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Now, with the world recovering from COVID-19 and Taiwan lifting its travel restrictions, we hope that the ICMS 2023 will not only provide a platform for scientists and engineers to meet in person again and to share state-of-the-art development in molecular simulations. We also hope it will facilitate international collaborations and promote scientific and technological advances through molecular simulations.

Organizers and Sponsors:
Academia Sinica
National Taiwan University
Taiwan Theoretical and Computational Molecular Sciences Association

Government Sponsors:
Department of Information and Tourism, Taipei City Government
International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
National Science and Technology Council

名稱:IAMS-NTNU-YCU Autumn Workshop 2023相關連結
時間:2023年08月30日 上午 09:00 ~ 下午 05:00

Recovering from the pandemic, many academic events are slowly coming back. We are happy to announce that this year on August 30, we will host IAMS-NTNU-YCU Autumn Workshop 2023 ONSITE at Dr. Poe Lecture Hall in Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences. We will have both oral and poster presentations.

This event will have presentations by students from the Molecular Science and Technology Program at Taiwan International Graduate Program (TiGP-MST) at the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences (IAMS), the Department of Physics at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), and Graduate School of Nanobioscience at Yokohama City University (YCU). We hope this workshop will initiate the interaction between students from various backgrounds.

Furthermore, following the tradition from previous years, we will have awards for the best presentations.

名稱:3rd Annual Workshop on 2D Materials Synthesis and Characterization相關連結
時間:2023年08月01日 上午 10:00 ~ 上午 12:00
2D materials are expected to revolutionize applications ranging from electronics to biology. To realize these visions, mature synthesis methods and powerful characterization approaches are required. This workshop will provide the opportunity to interact with preeminent researchers and shape the future of 2D materials.
名稱:Thermoelectric Mini-workshop相關連結
時間:2023年07月18日 下午 12:00 ~ 下午 05:00

Welcome to the One Day Thermoelectric Mini-workshop

Join us for this immersive and inspiring experience at the One Day Thermoelectric Mini-workshop. Explore the fundamental of thermoelectric conversion, its applications in power generation, refrigeration, and the remarkable advantages it offers. Engage with renowned pioneers and experts who have shaped the field through their groundbreaking research. Gain deep insights, valuable lessons, and stay up to date with the latest advancements. Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to be a part of this educational journey and unlock the potential of thermoelectricity.

時間:2023年07月07日 上午 08:30 ~ 2023年07月10日 下午 09:00
為紀念瑪麗居禮 (Maria Skłodowska-Curie)榮獲諾貝爾化學獎100週年,在李遠哲院士的倡議以及國內學術界精英及產業界傑出企業家們的協力奔走之下,「居禮夫人高中化學營」首度於2011年7月隆重舉行。迄2022年,這個由財團法人張昭鼎紀念基金會所承辦的暑期營隊活動已持續辦理了十二屆。2023年營隊名稱正式更改為「瑪麗居禮科學營」,為表達對這位有卓越成就之女性科學家的尊重。辦理「瑪麗居禮科學營」的主要目的,是期盼學員們能實際體會科學與我們日常生活息息相關,譬如在電子、能源、尖端材料與生技產業中均扮演不可或缺的角色。
名稱:The First Joint Thailand-Taiwan Workshop on Catalysis for Carbon Neutrality相關連結
時間:2023年07月03日 上午 09:00 ~ 下午 05:10

With the recent global climate issues, controlling CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is a major target for study in many fields. To build on the global partnership funding of Thailand under Program Management Unit for Human Resources & Institutional Development, Research, and Innovation under N39(S3P19) program 2023 “Development of manpower in international communities for Catalysis/Electrocatalysis for Zero CO2 Emission (CZCE): Searching a new pathway for the Net-Zero-CO2 Emissions in Chemical Industry”, we bring together researchers in Taiwan (Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences) and Thailand (Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology, National Nanotechnology Center National Science and Technology Development Agency) for research exchange and discussion.

We will host The First Joint Thailand-Taiwan Workshop on Catalysis for Carbon Neutrality at Poe Lecture Hall, IAMS on July 3, 2023. In addition to cutting-edge talks by researchers in this challenging field, we will have student poster presentations. We invite those that are interested in participating in our event.

名稱:17th International Conference on Squeezes States and Uncertainty Relations (ICSSUR 2023)相關連結
時間:2023年06月26日 上午 09:00 ~ 2023年06月30日 下午 05:30

It is our great pleasure to inform you that the 17th International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations (ICSSUR 2023) will take place on 26-30 June 2023 in Taipei, Taiwan.

The event will be in-person format with regular and poster sessions. As you may know ICSSUR has a long history back to 1991, covering a wide range of topics from quantum optics to quantum atom optics and quantum information.

This time, the venue of this 5-day event is National Taiwan University (NTU)campus near the Gongguan MRT station, in Taipei, and we also plan a half-day excursion to our National Palace Museum with the banquet there (Silks Palace).

目前位置:歷史活動 / 第 1 頁