IAMS Laboratory

Reaction Dynamics Laboratory

Yuan-Tseh Lee and Huan-Cheng Chang (L411)

lab picture

The major research thrust of this laboratory is to elucidate detailed dynamics of simple elementary reactions and photochemical processes that play important roles in macroscopic systems. Molecular beams of reactants are used to study individual reactive encounters between molecules or to monitor photodissociative events in a collision-free environment. Most of the information is derived from measurement of the energy, angular and state distributions of the products and fragments using a pulsed cross molecular beam machine.

Additional investigation is being made on vibrational spectroscopy and intramolecular dynamics of ions and ionic clusters using an ion trap vibrational predissociation spectrometer. Research will center on the mechanisms of elementary chemical reactions involving free radicals, oxygen and hydrogen atoms with various hydrocarbons, primary photochemistry of unsaturated organic molecules and their isomers, and the spectroscopy, structure and function of protonated organic and biologically important molecules.

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